Sunday, January 24, 2010

Introduction and Initiation

My name is Anne and I am a new Army mom.  My son Michael is a new Army recruit and is due to ship out to basic training in just a few days time.  We are full of emotions, fears hopes and dreams.  Our faith is sustaining us at this time, along with a huge amount of love and support from family and friends.
Please join us as we accompany Michael on this amazing and life changing journey.
I will be posting as often as possible, giving updates and details about Michael's life in the Army...from a mom's perspective.   No doubt there will be times when I will not share completely his whereabouts for the safety of all concerned, but I will try to be frank about how we feel.  I do hope that you will join us as we watch and wait for news. we go!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Anne,

    Your blog made me think of another similar one written by a friend of my oldest daughter. This lady is a career Army wife, and mother of an Army son who is following in his dad's footsteps.

    Maybe she can give you encouragement and support in the coming months.

    Tom (GM)
