Monday, February 15, 2010

The postman delivers and the phone company forgives....

2 weeks into our 227 weeks of wondering, waiting and praying for news.

With the call from the Reception Batallion, all our hearts settled down and life settled into a level pace of normalcy.   Back to work, home and the gym,  finding peace in the gift of a daily routine. 
The mailman has either decided to ignore my nose on the window, or is used to it by now, or perhaps is too frightened to address it.
I'm grateful that the phone does not have video output.   Both the cell and the house phone are within reach no matter where I go...the kitchen, the bedroom, the office and guessed it, the shower.  I've got it down to a science...I can turn off water, mute the radio and say hello in 2 seconds flat. Were there Olympic Gold for such behavior, I'd  be standing on the top of the podium glistening in gold.
No coach needed,  neurosis needs no tutor.
We've now received two letters.  The first took 5 days to arrive from the date written, so it was hard to guess how much may have changed since it was penned.  He says he is still doing well, has been bunked with a fellow he really likes..and who "takes it pretty seriously, which is nice because a lot of guys don't".  Threw up after all the vaccinations, as did many of the guys.  (At this point I wonder if the army needs my help down there taking care of those poor guys).  Holding my breath with every word, I wonder if each letter and small scrap of news will cause my now familiar sensation of gasping for air.  
There's a smattering of .initialed mumbo jumbo like ACU, BCT and at least one I recognize, the PX.  I have no idea what those things mean, so off to google I go.
It's reassuring to read the comfort in the words written.   A settled peace in each sentence.

On Thursday, he called briefly one more time, this time with the news of his pending move "downrange".  The real world of Army basic training. 
And  blessed with one more split second of a call to tell us that the address he sent is not correct..and that we should wait until we get a new one before we send letters. 
So it's back to stalking that poor mailman and bathing with the phone. 
Praying, waiting and gasping for air.

Clinging with all I have, the peace that transcends all.



  1. I love your writing style! Very humorous and informative.

  2. Thank you so much. I take that as a true compliment coming from you!

  3. Hi Aunt Anne!

    I found this blog through the wonders of facebook and I'm glad that I can keep up with you and Michael. I'm sorry that it's been so long since I last saw or talked to you guys. My brother Ian went to basic training for the Navy about a week after Michael, so I'm also waiting for letters. (Although I get the feeling that Ian isn't really the writing type...)

    Hope your doing well despite everything!

    -Allison Ebling
